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Geography(Available both in English & हिंदी Language).

The geography of India is extremely diverse, with landscape ranging from snow-capped mountain ranges to deserts, plains, hills and plateaus. India comprises most of the Indian subcontinent situated on the Indian Plate, the northerly portion of the Indo-Australian Plate. Having a coastline of over 7,000 km (4,300 miles), most of India lies on a peninsula in southern Asia that protrudes into the Indian Ocean. India is bounded in the southwest by the Arabian Sea and in the southeast by the Bay of Bengal.
The fertile Indo-Gangetic plain occupies most of northern, central and eastern India, while the Deccan Plateau occupies most of southern India. To the west of the country is the Thar Desert, which consists of a mix of rocky and sandy desert. India’s east and northeastern border consists of the high Himalayan range. The highest point in India is disputed due to a territorial dispute with Pakistan; according to India’s claim, the highest point (located in the disputed Kashmir territory) is K2, at 8,611 m (28,251 feet). The highest point in undisputed Indian territory is Kangchenjunga, at 8,598 m (28,208 feet). Climate ranges from equatorial in the far south, to tundra in the Himalayan altitudes.


India is bordered by Pakistan, the People’s Republic of China, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan and Afghanistan. Sri Lanka and the Maldives are island nations to the south of India. Politically, India is divided into 28 states, six federally administered union territories and a national capital territory. The political divisions generally follow linguistic and ethnic boundaries rather than geographic transitions.

What is Web3?

Web3: The Internet’s Next Generation     What exactly is Web3? Web3 is the internet’s next generation, based on blockchain technology, and it claims to be more open, secure, and user-centric than the existing web. Web3 is based on a decentralized network of computers, which means it is not controlled by a centralized authority. As […]

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Himachal Pradesh Statehood day. Lets understand1

Himachal Pradesh: From a Mountain Kingdom to a Modern Wonder   What is the news?   Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu conveyed his Statehood Day wishes to the people of Himachal Pradesh during the 54th celebration in Dharampur of Mandi district.   A Trip Through Progress and History   Today, on this 25th of […]

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प्राणदायक नृत्य: कार्बन चक्र को समझना और उसका प्रभाव

परिचय:   जीवन का बहुमुखी निर्माण खंड, कार्बन, पृथ्वी की जलवायु को नियंत्रित करने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है। विभिन्न जलाशयों के माध्यम से इसका निरंतर संचलन, जिसे कार्बन चक्र के रूप में जाना जाता है, एक नाजुक संतुलन बनाए रखता है। पर्यावरण विशेषज्ञों के रूप में, कार्बन चक्र और मानवीय गतिविधियों के प्रति उसकी […]

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Understanding the Carbon Cycle and its Impact!

Introduction:   Carbon, the versatile building block of life, plays a critical role in regulating Earth’s climate. Its constant movement through various reservoirs, known as the carbon cycle, maintains a delicate balance. As environmental experts, understanding the carbon cycle and its response to human activities is crucial for addressing climate change.   The Carbon Cycle’s […]

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सूर्य के प्रकाश से भोजन तक: प्रकाश संश्लेषण की आवश्यक प्रक्रिया को समझना!

क्या आपने कभी सोचा है कि पार्क के वे विशाल पेड़ या आपके द्वारा खाए जाने वाले स्वादिष्ट फल बड़े और मजबूत कैसे हो जाते हैं? इसका उत्तर प्रकाश संश्लेषण नामक एक आकर्षक प्रक्रिया में निहित है! आज, हम इस जादुई तरकीब का पता लगाएंगे जिसका उपयोग पौधे सूर्य के प्रकाश का उपयोग करके अपना […]

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From Sunlight to Food: Understanding the Essential Process of Photosynthesis!

Have you ever wondered how those giant trees in the park or the delicious fruits you eat grow big and strong? The answer lies in a fascinating process called photosynthesis! Today, we’ll explore this magical trick plants use to create their own food using sunlight.   What is Photosynthesis?   Photosynthesis is a process by […]

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गर्मी का एहसास: लू (हीटवेव) क्यों होती हैं?

क्या आपको कभी ऐसा महसूस हुआ कि आप ओवन में रह रहे हैं? यह लू है! अत्यधिक गर्म मौसम के ये चिलचिलाते हिस्से न केवल असुविधाजनक हैं, बल्कि खतरनाक भी हो सकते हैं। लेकिन ऐसा क्यों होता है?   सूर्य को एक विशाल दीपक की तरह और पृथ्वी को एक विशाल चट्टान की तरह कल्पना […]

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